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#LoveEquals: We’re Asking the World What Love Means

Love is not one-dimensional. It varies, taking different shapes from one person to the next. Sometimes it feels involuntary while other times it can take some serious cultivation and effort. No matter what form it takes, love is something to celebrate.

With a solid foundation of kindness and respect for ourselves, love has the chance to extend itself into every facet of our lives — whether we’re in a romantic relationship or not.

Maybe you were introduced to love by adopting and nurturing an animal. Perhaps there’s a family member who goes the extra mile to look after you. Or you might have found a partner truly committed to growing alongside you. We’re honoring all types of unique and diverse love this month and invite you to join in. We’re asking our users around the world, “What does love mean to you?”

To kick off the conversation, we spoke to entrepreneurs making a difference in their industries across the globe. Each excitedly explained what love means to them with responses ranging from “will, selflessness, and presence” in France to “companionship and trust” in the UK

To add your response, follow #LoveEquals on social media and don’t hesitate to contribute your perspective — no matter how trivial it may seem. Love can most definitely equal something as simple as a homemade meal, a text to your mom, or a much-needed smile from a stranger. The further we expand our definition of love, the more deeply we can experience it.