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Let Bumble Help You Throw Your Own Pride Party In Austin

To help you celebrate love and equality, Bumble wants to provide you with all the tools you need to host your very own #BumblePride party during the weekend of Austin Pride (August 10th). 

Up to 30 local winners will receive $200 along with some sweet Bumble swag and party favors. (Expect plenty of rainbows.) Apply through this link, and we’ll send you the party kits along with the funds to help your #BumblePride party come to life. 

The deadline to apply is August 5th, and you must be an active Bumble user to redeem the prize.

Oh, and did we mention that there’s an additional prize for one of the winners? We won’t give it away, but it involves a boat sailing at dusk. Because, you know, rainbow-colored skies…

Have questions? Check out our FAQ below, and find the full rules here

Who can enter this contest?

Anyone who lives in Austin, Texas.

How do users enter, join, or get involved?

Apply through this link.

How will the winners be chosen?

The winners will be determined by the responses in the form.

How and when will the winners be announced?

The winners will be notified via email on Monday, August 5th. 

What’s included in the kit?

Winners will receive a variety of merchandise, including: $200 for food, drinks and decor, light-up necklaces, bandanas, sunglasses, flags, hats, fans, stickers, tanks, koozies, cups, and enamel pins.

When should I host my pre-Pride party?

All events need to take place on either August 9th or August 10th (Austin Pride!).