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Bumble and the National Geographic Society Are Teaming Up to Save the Bees

May 20th is World Bee Day, and this year Bumble is celebrating by partnering with the National Geographic Society to fund the conservation and protection of these important pollinators. 

Bees have always been important to Bumble; our name was inspired by the fact that a queen bee is in charge of each colony. In our community, in heterosexual pairings, women get to be in charge as well by making the first move. 

But these pollinators are currently under threat, and the number of bees in the world is declining. Understanding and preserving pollinators, especially bees, is an urgent challenge—one of the most critical for biodiversity and environmental conservation today.*

Bumble is taking action to help save the bees by supporting the National Geographic Society’s critical work to protect pollinators. We are by providing funding for their international community of Explorers, in particular women, gender non-conforming, and/or underrepresented scientists, educators, storytellers, and conservationists leading the way in research. Together, we’ll create ways for underrepresented people to explore the importance of pollinators to our ecosystem.

To learn more about how we are supporting National Geographic Society in this work, click here. And happy World Bee Day!

*Per the National Geographic Society