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We Are Joining Forces with ADL to Ban All Forms of Hate From Bumble

Hate speech, racism, and bigotry are intolerable realities that we must all come together to take action against. Bumble is a community of kindness and empowerment. This type of behavior goes against our mission as a company and is never welcome on our platform.

We have always had a zero tolerance policy against misogynist, abusive, and inappropriate behavior. While we support freedom of speech, we don’t support abusing that freedom to harm, bully, or attack people online. We’ve historically taken a strong stance on neo-Nazi symbols like swastikas; now we’re working with the Anti-Defamation League and its Center on Technology and Society for guidance on identifying all hate symbols, using their research and terminology as our standards.

We want to keep Bumble hate-free, but we can’t do it without the support of our users. We’re calling on our community to ban hateful speech and activities on our platforms. If you experience these conversations or see hate symbols in a user’s profile, please use the “block and report” feature in app so our moderation team can ban the user.   

Our team at Bumble has recently been the victim of cyber hate, stemming from groups with white supremacist affiliations. Last week, a neo-Nazi media site published an article to their community urging them to call and email our team with harassing statements, given Bumble’s stance towards promoting women’s empowerment.

We won’t stand for being bullied, and we will always make every effort to protect our incredible users from cyber bullies. This isn’t going to happen overnight – it will be an ongoing effort, one that will require our community’s help.

Together, we can protect our platform from hate.