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Here’s Your Love Horoscope for Spring 2022

By Amelia Quint

In the Northern Hemisphere at least, spring is finally in full swing; we’re collectively putting our sweatshirts into storage and getting ready for warmer weather and the sense of renewal that accompanies it. After the past two years, it might be tempting to resort to pessimism, but fear not: the stars are here to guide you, and for each sign of the zodiac, there’s reason to be hopeful—especially when it comes to dating and relationships. Read on!


Are you ready to embrace your role as the main character in your life? This spring, the stars are aligned for you to do just that! First, beauty planet Venus in your sign from May 2 to 28 upgrades your closet and your confidence so you can embody that protagonist. Next, lucky Jupiter moves into Aries on May 10 for a five-month stay, giving you a once-in-twelve-years opportunity to pursue a new personal quest. Under the intense Scorpio lunar eclipse in your intimacy zone on May 16, you’ll do some serious soul-searching about who you want to accompany you on that journey. Fierce Mars moves into your sign from May 24, activating your independent streak through the end of the season.


Relationships are at their best when they evolve along with you, and this spring, a pair of eclipses helps your partnerships catch up to your personal progress. First, you reinvent yourself under the solar eclipse in your sign on April 30, whether that’s your style or the overall way you view the world. It requires some emotional heavy lifting, and an intimate Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 16 soothes any growing pains. Mercury retrograde in your sign from May 22 makes processing everything easier, and by the time it’s direct again on June 3, a mental breakthrough sets you up for success this summer. Even better, love goddess Venus in your sign from May 28 through the rest of the season promises you’ll be able to handle it all with grace.


This spring, two full moons in the love sectors of your horoscope promise you’ll be busy in the romance department! First, a Libra full moon in your flirtatious fifth house on April 16 brings a butterfly-inducing date or a meetup worthy of a romcom. Expect a few surprises thanks to Mercury retrograde in your sign from May 10 to 22, but know it’s nothing you can’t figure out, especially under the Gemini new moon on May 30. After that, the Sagittarius full moon in your partnership zone on June 14 is a perfect moment for a road trip or much-needed staycation. As long as you approach it all with your signature sense of humor, you’ll love what this spring has in store.


You’ve had Pluto, the transformative planet, moving through your relationship zone since 2008, slowly rewriting your narratives about what’s possible in partnership. When Pluto starts its six-month retrograde on April 29, your love life takes on a more contemplative tone. Maybe you suddenly prefer quiet dates to wild nights out, or simply want to connect on a deeper level. Thanks to an alluring Scorpio lunar eclipse in your romance sector on May 16, you might find that your dream date is already in your orbit. After that, no-nonsense Saturn retrograde in your intimacy zone sets boundaries that help you keep your independence intact even if you find yourself falling head over heels.


You love a grand gesture, and this spring, the stars are aligned for big romance. First, love planet Venus moves through your intimacy zone from April 5 to May 2, setting a sultry mood. It’s a perfect time for first dates, and when lucky Jupiter aligns with glamorous Neptune on April 12, your wildest dreams could come true. The chemistry between you and your date is off the charts as desire planet Mars moves through the same territory from April 14 to May 24. It’s also a great opportunity to get vulnerable and talk openly about your motivations. What do you want? You’re way more likely to receive it if you ask!


Let’s face it: your hardworking sign is usually too busy to put romance on your schedule. But this spring, the cosmos does it for you! Love planet Venus moves into your relationship zone on April 5 and syncs with lucky Jupiter and dreamy Neptune on April 12, creating a magical moment that marks a major milestone, whether it’s meeting someone special or making it official. Mars joins the party on April 14 to spice things up, and Venus moving into your sensuality sector on May 2 promises plenty of exciting date nights ahead. You’ll have opportunities to experiment and discover what partnership paradigm feels best to you as adventurous Jupiter moves through the same territory starting May 10, so embrace this learning experience and keep your mind open. 


Your sweet sign is a connoisseur of beautiful experiences, and under the Taurus solar eclipse in your intimacy zone on April 30, you rearrange your life so you can enjoy more memorable moments with the ones you love. You might find yourself setting some limits on how much time you spend with certain people, or have an inner breakthrough that allows you to feel more pleasure in life. Either way, three planets moving into your partnership sector—romance planet Venus on May 2, lucky Jupiter on May 10, and passionate Mars on May 24—combine to make a love potion that’s absolutely irresistible. It’s as good a time for romance as it is for your friends and colleagues who truly appreciate you, so trust that positive partnerships are on the horizon. 


When love planet Venus dances with lucky Jupiter and glamorous Neptune in your romance zone on April 12, you make a rare, magical connection with someone special. The vibe is playful and flirtatious, and you’ll be able to sweep your next date off their feet without even really trying! That day is ideal for meeting new people—and excellent for creative types who are waiting for their next big burst of inspiration. But it’s the steady Taurus solar eclipse in your relationship zone that helps you find partners, both platonic and romantic, who can support you in the way you need it—and under the lunar eclipse in your sign on May 16, you recommit to yourself too.


Your free-spirited sign knows how to have a good time, but thanks to the heavy astrology of the past few years, you’ve had to put business ahead of pleasure. After lots of hard work, this spring’s stars are aligned for you to have some fun! First, Mercury’s move into your pleasure sector on March 27 could mean messages and invitations from potential dates—plus an audacious Aries new moon there may well make for some promising leads. Beauty planet Venus moving there from May 2 reminds you that feeling good isn’t frivolous, and with Jupiter in the same sign from May 10 onward, you’re at your best. You can follow these positive vibes from here into summer and fall, especially once Mars joins the party on May 24!


Under the beautiful Taurus solar eclipse in your romance zone on April 30, the stars are aligned for you to fall back in love with your life. You’ve faced your share of hardship, but this is an important reminder that new relationships of all kinds are possible. Mercury retrograde from May 22 through June 3 is less about the universe playing tricks and more about reconnecting with the people, places, and things that bring you joy. Luxury planet Venus in the same sign from May 28 until the end of the season coaxes you into putting pleasure back on your agenda, one small step at a time. Whether it’s an iced latte on a hot day or time off, you deserve to enjoy what you’ve worked for.


With social Mercury moving into your flirtatious fifth house on April 29, you’ll have no shortage of exciting invitations and promising DMs—but when Mercury retrograde starts on May 10, you’ll want to be way more selective about which ones you accept. Your time is valuable, and when Mercury retrograde backtracks into your home and heart zone on May 22, you edit your inner circle so you can spend more quality time with the people who make you feel your best. The clever Gemini new moon helps you figure out exactly what to say,  and you’ll be so glad you spoke up once Mercury is direct again on June 3.


You always want love to feel a little magical, and with romance planet Venus aligned with lucky Jupiter and dreamy Neptune on April 12, a meet-cute or date night could be a dream come true. These few months will make you feel more glamorous than you have in a while—and it’s just as great a time for partnership as it is for your solo achievements. You can celebrate your singular sense of style in the week before and after, and with desire planet Mars moving into the same part of your horoscope from April 14 through May 24, the chemistry keeps sizzling well into the next month. Also, don’t be surprised if you and a date decide to take things to the next level when Jupiter syncs with Pluto in your social sector on May 3!