By Ashley Edwards-Walker
As part of our 2025 dating trends, we’ve selected a few of our Success Stories that speak to how dating is developing. From ”micro-mance” to “on the same fan-page”, these couples remind us why we love love. Our research* shows that our members are finding romance in unexpected ways—from sending memes to sharing playlists. Because sometimes, it’s the small things that inspire big feelings.
In September 2019, Paige and Shiloh found themselves at similar points in their lives. Newly single and ready to immerse themselves in their studies (Paige was preparing for a career in pediatrics, and Shiloh was working toward becoming an accountant), neither felt overly compelled to re-enter the dating scene. It wasn’t until Paige’s best friend insisted she download Bumble, while Shiloh’s cousin did the same, that their paths crossed.
Their first few messages revealed they had a lot in common. Both were tall (Paige is 6’1”, and Shiloh is 6’8”), they loved donuts, and they also shared a similar sense of humor; Shilohʼs profile boasted he was “3/4 CPA,” while Paige’s said “3/4 MD.”

“We started having these deep conversations from the first few messages,” Paige says, and admits she stopped swiping after matching with Shiloh. “People find that surprising, but my only conversation, and my only date from Bumble, was him,” she says. Their connection felt genuine, and Shiloh felt it, too.
“I think we both felt very comfortable with each other,” he says.
Shiloh says there was an immediate attraction when he saw Paige for the first time. “When I saw her come out of her apartment, I was floored. She was stunning.”
“He was even more handsome in person,” Paige remembers.
Their first dinner date at a cozy French restaurant stretched for hours as they talked about travel, family, and their dreams. They discovered they’d both recently lost a parent—something they didn’t expect to bond over so quickly. They talked till the restaurant closed.
After an endearingly awkward goodbye handshake from Shiloh, Paige texted her best friend: I think I just met The One.
“She was like, ‘No way, you’ve been on one date,’” Paige recalls her friend texting back.“ And I was like, ‘I really think he’s it.’”
As their relationship grew, it wasn’t flashy grand gestures that solidified their bond. Instead, it was the smaller (but just as meaningful) acts that brought them close; like driving 40 minutes to see each other twice a week and splitting their time between Rutherford, N.J. and Piscataway, N.J. When they were together, they opted for long walks and visited different restaurants to try new cuisines.

During the pandemic, they started fostering dogs together. Then in August 2021, after Paige landed a medical residency in New York, they moved into a new apartment in the city. These were all practical decisions, but building this new life together felt like “a natural progression,” says Paige. By this point, she was already thinking, “One day I’ll end up marrying him.”
In September 2022, Shiloh proposed in Central Park with a surprise rooftop party to follow. Their surprise engagement party included all their friends and family.
“It was just the most beautiful day,” says Paige.
They married in September 2023, and credit Bumble for making it all happen.
“We lived 40 miles apart and worked in different areas,” Shiloh points out. “I don’t think we would have found each other otherwise.”
Paige agrees and adds, “I think we’re perfect for each other.”
*Research was conducted by Bumble using internal polling from September 19 to 23, 2024, with a sample of 41,294 Bumble members aged 18 to 35 worldwide.
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