

What This Winter’s Mercury Retrograde Has in Store for You, According to Your Star Sign

By Amelia Quint

It’s a new year, and chances are, you’ve set a few goals or intentions as your guide—but with Mercury retrograde from January 14 to February 14, you’ll fare best if you’re willing to see them more as a first draft than a final product. These retrogrades happen three times a year, and despite their reputation, they can actually help you adapt your plans to incorporate new and unexpected opportunities. Yes, you might encounter a few delays or minor mishaps, but you can rest assured that they’re leading you exactly where you want to go.

What does this Mercury retrograde have in store for you? In Aquarius and Capricorn, you’re learning from past mistakes and updating your future plans to be more aligned with your values and long-term vision. With a little leg work now, you’ll be ready to enjoy the rest of the new year in style with the people you love by your side. Ahead, read for your star sign and prepare accordingly! And don’t forget to add the Zodiac badge to your Bumble profile.


You’ve got plenty of ideas for how to set your New Year’s plans in motion thanks to smart Mercury moving into your long-term vision sector on January 2—but expect your blueprint for 2022 to need some major edits after the retrograde phase starts on January 14. The good news? What happens next is probably a much better deal as Mercury moves back into your professional tenth house on the 25th and shakes hands with power-broker Pluto on the 28th. It’s an intense exchange, but the thing you’re hoping for gets signed, sealed, and delivered after Mercury goes direct again on February 3. 


Clear your calendar, because when messenger Mercury moves into your career zone on January 2, you’ll have no shortage of promising emails, calls, and coffee dates to kickstart progress towards your New Year’s goals. You’re in high demand, but with Mercury retrograde on January 14, be selective about which invitations you accept. Once it backtracks into your intellectual ninth house on January 25 and syncs with deep-thinking Pluto on January 28, you realize it’s way more important for your ideals to be aligned with theirs than to check off another career box. After Mercury goes direct on February 3, you’ll be able to do both. 


After almost two years in lockdown, travel-loving Mercury moving into your wanderlust zone on January 2 could find you more than ready to broaden your horizons—but Mercury retrograde on January 14 delivers an unexpected change to your cosmic itinerary. Instead of hopping on a plane, you could find yourself exploring brand new territory in love and lust when Mercury backtracks into your intimacy sector on January 25 and aligns with the planet Pluto on January 28. By the time it’s direct again on February 3, you’ll be glad you got pulled off course and into your crush’s orbit.


You wear your heart on your sleeve, and that’s especially true when social Mercury moves into your sharing sector on January 2—but with Mercury retrograde there from January 14, the stars are aligned for you to set stronger boundaries both online and IRL, especially when it backtracks into your one-on-one relationship zone on January 25 and syncs with private Pluto on January 28. Being on your “close friends” list is a privilege, and once Mercury is direct again on February 3, you’ll know exactly who’s going to stay in your inner circle for the long haul.


Mercury is the zodiac’s matchmaker, and when it moves into your relationship zone on January 2, the universe sets you up with plenty of potential partners, future friends, and next-level career mentors. It’s exciting, but Mercury retrograde on January 14 means the get-to-know-you process will be a slow burn. When Mercury backtracks into your daily routine sector on January 25 and bumps into committed Pluto on January 28, you realize connection doesn’t just happen. You have to put it on your schedule, and once you do, you’ll be feeling the love after Mercury is direct again on February 3.


Your hyper-prepared sign starts 2022 with a detailed strategy on how to crush your New Year’s goals thanks to clever Mercury moving into your efficiency zone on January 2—but you’ll have to pivot as the universe throws you a few calendar curveballs courtesy of Mercury retrograde on January 14. Enjoying your work is one thing, but an unexpected passion project draws your attention as Mercury backtracks into your pleasure zone on January 25 and aligns with Pluto, the attraction planet, on January 28. Trust that it’s safe to prioritize what you really desire, especially once Mercury is direct again on February 3.


If your New Year’s wish was for romance, messenger Mercury’s move into your flirtatious fifth house on January 2 delivers an abundance of promising DMs and texts from potential suitors—but Mercury retrograde on January 14 could find you pumping the brakes on partnership as you reevaluate what you’re looking for in a match. Listen to your heart when Mercury backtracks into your emotions zone on January 25 and syncs with intense Pluto on January 28, because it has lots of deep insights to share. It’s a big reveal, but one that makes you feel so much lighter after Mercury goes direct on February 3.


With curious Mercury moving into your living space sector on January 2, you’re ready to make a new home for yourself, whether that means exploring an unfamiliar city or just redecorating a corner of your apartment. But you’ll have to spend a little more time in your comfort zone thanks to Mercury retrograde on January 14. When Mercury backtracks into your community-minded third house on January 25 and syncs with committed Pluto on January 28, you can make an impact right where you are. Your sphere of influence is bigger than you realize, especially once Mercury is direct again on February 3. 


Mercury is the zodiac’s storyteller, and when it moves into your communication zone on January 2, you get the chance to share your message far and wide—but with Mercury retrograde on January 14, be patient as your script undergoes some stellar revisions. It’ll have a much more exciting plot and powerful cast of characters after Mercury backtracks through your VIP sector on January 25 and shakes hands with heavy-hitting Pluto on January 28. Don’t rush the rewrites: once Mercury goes direct on February 3, you’ll have a blockbuster hit on your hands!


Money’s always on your mind, and with smart Mercury moving into your resources sector on January 2, you want to invest wisely this year. Even if you get the urge to treat yourself now, Mercury retrograde on January 14 means it’s worth it to delay gratification and wait for what you really want. After all, your definition of what it means to be rich might morph as Mercury moves back into your sign on January 25 and aligns with intense Pluto on January 28. When you value yourself, you’re more comfortable asking for what you’re worth—and with Mercury going direct again on February 3, that’s exactly what you do. 


With messenger Mercury moving into your sign on January 2, you’re a social butterfly—but when Mercury retrograde starts on January 14, it might be time to go back into your cocoon for a little while. Self-care is more than just a buzzword as Mercury backtracks into your rest and recovery zone on January 25 and syncs with transformative Pluto there on January 28. This is also your spirituality sector, so consider what deeper healing might need to happen before you forge ahead. Take your time, and get ready to re-emerge once Mercury is direct again on February 3. 


If you’ve been feeling romantically uninspired, Mercury’s move into your dreamy twelfth house on January 2 reconnects you to your muse. It feels good to flirt, but with Mercury retrograde on January 14, you realize you’re looking for a deeper kind of connection. When Mercury backtracks into your groups sector on January 25 and aligns with committed Pluto on January 28, being friends first could give your relationship the strong foundation it needs for long-term success. You’ll know for sure once Mercury is direct again on February 3, but either way, you’ll learn so much in the process.