As many advice books and gurus will tell you, networking is one of the most important things you can do for yourself in business. Below, five reasons why building a strong network is beneficial for anyone at any stage of their career.
There is always something new to learn
For those starting out in their careers, having the chance to receive advice from people with considerably more job experience is invaluable. They can help you figure out your next job move, whether it’s the right time to ask for a promotion, or if you’re on the right career track. Never forget that each successful person you meet has a wealth of knowledge on offer. The more established professionals you befriend, the bigger the library of career advice you are building.
It helps with the job search
Think of the last time you got hired. Maybe someone forwarded your resume over to the relevant point person. Or perhaps a former colleague put you in touch with their company’s HR department. While online job sites are useful and practical, a personal recommendation always goes a long way when searching for a new job or a new employee. The more people in your network, the more opportunities you have to expand the scope of your search in a positive, tactical way.
What goes around, comes around
Instead of thinking about networking solely as what you can gain from it, it’s wise to think about what you can give to others, too. Not only are your ideas and insight valuable to people looking to break into your industry, but it’s always good karma to help someone else along the way. Not only will that person be grateful to you for helping them achieve their goals, they’ll also be much more inclined to return the favor whenever the time comes.
Networks are the best support groups
Networks are the groups people hit up when they are searching for advice, a new job, or a trustworthy new employee. In other words, networks are your career support groups; they are there in good times and in bad, when you need them and when they need you.
Networking increases your visibility
The next time a hiring manager is looking to promote someone in the company, who do you think they’re going to consider? Someone they have seen participating in meetings and after-work get togethers and events? Or someone who goes into the office every morning and goes straight out by 5:00 p.m.? If you get to know others and others get to know you, then the higher the chances are that someone will want to work closely with you in the future.
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