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What Will Dating Look Like in 2023? Here’s What Bumble’s Data Says

As we wrap up 2022, Bumble is looking ahead to what dating will look like in 2023. How can single people prepare for a new year of dating? And what should they expect?

To answer those questions, Bumble conducted a survey* of over 10,000 daters using our app around the world. Their insights helped us figure out what you can expect to see in your dating life next year—and there’s a lot to look forward to. Daters are getting better about articulating what they do and don’t want from their matches, challenging the status quo, and connecting on their own terms. Even better, the vast majority (70%) are feeling positive about the romance that lies ahead in 2023. Here’s what to expect. 

Physical preferences will look different

What daters are looking for in a match in 2023 will (literally) look different from what they were looking for in 2022. More than one third of people (38%) are now more open to dating beyond their typical physical type, and 28% are less concerned about dating the type of person that others expect. Even further, 63% of daters are now looking for emotional maturity before physical looks. 

There will be more boundary setting 

Single people are taking control of their dating lives by establishing what does and doesn’t work for them in a connection. More than half (52%) of respondents set more boundaries over the past year. Those boundaries considered their emotional needs (63%), allowed them to be more intentional about how they put themselves out there (59%), and protected them from overcommitting socially (53%). 

Daters will be looking for balance 

The balance between work, life, and relationships will be more important to daters in 2023. Almost half (49%) of respondents are prioritizing their own work/life balance, and 13% will no longer date someone who has a very demanding job. That might be because 52% of people are actively creating more space for breaks and rest in their lives, and 54% care more about their partner’s work/life balance than they do their partner’s career status.

Connections will span multiple cities 

Post-COVID lockdowns, people are still prioritizing traveling and exploring the world. This has gotten easier as many companies allow remote work—and the freedom to work from anywhere has allowed single people to more seriously consider longer distance or international relationships. (In fact, 14% of respondents have explored the idea of becoming a digital nomad!) One-third (33%) of daters are now more open to relationships with people who are not in their current city.

Men will reject stereotypes 

Men are getting introspective about gender roles. Almost 3 in 4 (74%) of men on Bumble say that they’ve examined their behaviour more over the last year. More than half (52%) are actively challenging stereotypes that suggest men should not show emotions, and 38% now speak more openly about how they’re feeling with their male friends. This reflection is translating into their dating lives, with 49% of men agreeing that breaking gender roles in dating and relationships is beneficial for them too.

Many newly-single people will be  on the market 

The COVID pandemic brought about many breakups, and those newly-single folks are back on the dating scene. More than one third (39%) of people on Bumble have ended a marriage or a serious relationship in the past two years, and 36% of those people are using dating apps for the first time. This means that more people are learning to navigate what dating looks like now. 

Daters will speak more candidly about sex 

Sex—and exploring what you want from your sex life—is becoming increasingly important to daters. Just over 40% are appraching sex and intimacy in an open and exploratory way, with 53% saying it’s important to discuss sexual wants and needs early in a relationship. Furthermore, 20% of people say that they’ve explored their sexuality more this past year. But knowing what you want from your sex life doesn’t mean that you’re having sex. Of the survey respondents, 34% of people aren’t having sex right now, and they’re okay with that. 

Money will be less of a taboo date topic 

Those who are dating in 2023 might encounter more honest conversations about money with their dates. And because 28% of people report that they’re setting financial boundaries in their dating lives, those conversations might be about what people are comfortable spending. Dates are also getting less elaborate: 32% of people are less impressed by over-the-top first dates, and 57% of people are more interested in casual dates than something fancy. 

We hope that these positive shifts in the way people are dating empower you to look for a healthy Bumble connection on your own terms next year. Cheers to 2023!

* Research was conducted by Bumble using internal polling between 12th October – 1st November 2022 with a sample of 14,300 Bumble users around the world.