The Best Intro Lines to Use on Bumble — Because You’re Better Than ‘Hey’

Your first message on Bumble? It matters—a lot. It’s your chance to stand out, make an impression, and get the conversation rolling. Your intro line is more than just what you say; it’s your Opening Move—the ultimate way of seeing whether you vibe with someone. 

The goal isn’t to deliver a punchline. Your Opening Move should include an intro line that gives the other person a reason to respond, whether with a quick “I love your energy” or a more thoughtful reply, it’s about making somebody feel like they want to get to know you and what you’re about. 

The key to unlocking a great convo is personalizing your opener. This guide will show you how to write intro lines that grab attention and set the stage for something real. 

6 Tips For Writing the Best Intro Lines on Bumble

1. Pick something from their profile

People put effort into their profiles—so why not show you’ve read it? If their bio mentions a love for hiking, ask them about it. If one of their interests is music-related, bring it up. You could try:

  • “What’s the last trail you hiked that you’d recommend?”
  • “Who’s on your ‘shut up and take my money’ list if they start touring tomorrow?”

Easy, right? And it works. You’re not throwing out a generic question; you’re inviting them to talk about something they actually care about. That’s called an opener with potential.

2. Compliment, but make it specific 

Compliments are fine. In fact, they’re great. But only if they’re specific and authentic, so dive into something unique in their profile. Is it their smile or their passion for photography? Whatever it is, call it out with precision. For example:

  • “That concert shot—you must have gone to effort for that photo!?”
  • “That smile says ‘best trip ever.’ Where was it?”

It’s specific, it’s genuine, and it shows you’re paying attention. Sending them a Compliment makes them feel like they’re more than just a random swipe.

3. Ask leading questions (but don’t overdo it)

People love talking about themselves, but there’s a fine line between a good question and an interview. Keep it simple and ask something that gives them room to talk. A few examples:

  • “What’s the thing you’d talk about for hours if you could?”
  • “You can only use one emoji for the rest of your life. What’s it gonna be?”
  • “What’s your ultimate comfort food, and why is it pasta?”

It’s enough to get them thinking, but not so deep they feel like they’re on a first date already. Save the deep chats for another day. 

4. Keep intro lines fun

Humor works—when it’s actually funny. You don’t have to be a stand-up comic, but playful, lighthearted intro lines can be just the thing to break the ice. Try: 

  • “What’s the weirdest conspiracy theory you’ve come across that almost convinced you?”
  • “What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve Googled recently?”
  • “Which fictional character would make the worst dinner guest?”

Humor is a great way to make a connection—just make sure it’s something they can actually vibe with. Do they talk about something funny in their profile, or are they more straight to the point? Try to get a feel for what they find funny first.

5. Be curious about their interests

If someone’s passionate about something—whether it’s cooking, photography, or houseplants—ask them about it. Our Interest Badges are a great way to find out what makes someone tick. Here are some ideas:

  • “Would love to know how you’d rank your houseplants from high to low maintenance? I’ll start with Bird of Paradise.”
  • “What’s the one thing you cook that makes you feel like you should have a cooking show?”

The key here is to engage with something they care about. This is your chance to show you’re not just throwing out random questions, but you’re genuinely interested in their world. 

6. Keep it casual, but chill

No one wants a job interview on a dating app. Keep things chill, but don’t let your intro line feel like you’re just passing time. Something straightforward that opens the door for a more natural back-and-forth is perfect.

  • “What’s your weekend vibe? Staying in or going out?”
  • “Your profile says you’re a foodie—got any recommendations?”
  • “Your travel pics are making me want to book my next flight—what trip are you planning next?”

These kinds of openers feel natural, and they invite a response without making things feel too intense. 

Above all, remember that regardless of how carefully crafted your first message may be, some people still may not respond. Dating takes effort from both parties, but if you craft a solid intro line as your Opening Move, you’re on the right track. So, skip the generic ‘Hey,’ and show them what you’re really about.