

Bumble Success Story: Sarah + Jared

Individually, Sarah and Jared hadn’t found life partners who bonded over their strong faiths — until they found each other on Bumble on August 1st, 2016. Check out their story, below.

How long did it take to meet up after matching?  What did you do for your first meet up/date?

Two days. We met on August 3rd, 2016 at Barnes & Noble for tea and conversation.

Jared, what was the first message you sent on Bumble?

My first question to her was, “What church do you go to?” I’m a firm Christian believer and knowing when the last time a person went to church and where they attended was important.

Sarah, what was your first reply back?

To his first question? “Buckhead Church.” Attending and serving at church is a big part of my life and that wasn’t something other matches asked, so it was refreshing to see Jared ask.

Jared, how did this match feel different?

It felt different because I had dated younger girls, and this gal knew what she wanted and what she believed in. There were no awkward moments, and she was so beautiful and talkative. We were able to connect instantly on almost all sides of the table such as favorite foods, movies, etc. It was much easier dating a gal that I had interests in together.

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Sarah, how did this match feel different?

Jared was actually the first guy I met off of Bumble. He was also the third guy I chatted with through the app. (This was also my first time trying out a dating app! I can thank one of my best friends for the encouragement to do it. It’s also nice to know it was successful.)

Jared, what was your first impression of Sarah? How did you feel before the first date?

I knew she was the one within the first month of dating. She had an amazing way of saying whatever was on her mind. I never had a woman do that before. It was great to have a person that talked back to me and wasn’t just interested in my looks.

Sarah, what was your first impression of Jared? How did you feel before the first date?

I though Jared was super attractive and enjoyed our convo when we met in person. He was easy to talk to and I loved that we had a lot in common. It was sweet that he checked in on me to make sure I got home safely.

Jared, what do you consider a unique aspect of your relationship now?

The fact that we are both strong Christians and we can say that we met on a dating app that is notorious for hooking up. I think it was great to show our friends that if you show people what you believe up front you’ll avoid what we call “wasting time” down the road when you find out they’re not the one for you.

Sarah, what do you consider a unique aspect of your relationship now?

We both love Jesus and love doing life together. I never wanted an online dating site or app to be a part of “my story” but now it is and I have no regrets about that decision. I have found the love of my life through Bumble, and it’s encouraging to know you can meet someone you wouldn’t normally meet organically. To me, you just have to know what you want and cut to the chase (no fluff).

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Where are you now? Where are you headed in the future? [Editor’s note: This happy couple has gotten married since answering this survey!]

Jared: We are engaged! Living in the same city (Atlanta) but possibly looking to move to start fresh together somewhere else. I think that is a big thing with dating at our age where couples want to move and start fresh. But whatever happens, we know that trying out apps or websites work if you try, try, and try again. I had to date about 50 girls to get to the one. And here she is…

Sarah: We are happily engaged (since February 13th) and are getting married on October 21st, 2017! I am ready for the day to be here and for our lives to be joined. We have found our first apartment together in Atlanta and are excited to see where God will take us in this life.

Thank you for helping us connect through your app! We don’t regret it and are looking forward to our future together!

Sarah and Jared, thank you so much for sharing your success story with us. We couldn’t be happier for you two!

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