- Your safety comes first on Bumble. If something happens that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, please report it. There are two different ways ...
- Your safety comes first on Bumble. If something happens that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, please report it. Here is what happens behind ...
- To report a Plan: Open the plan and tap the title at the top of the screen. (This will open the details page, where you’ll see a description and a ...
- If you receive a message that’s offensive or goes against our guidelines, please report it. To report a message: Open the PlanPress and ...
- To report another member in a Plan: Open the planTap the small arrow icon to the right of the member's name you’d like to report Tap “Report ...
- We have a zero-tolerance policy for fake profiles on Bumble and a team that works 24/7 to keep them out of the Hive. If you ever see something ...