

Introducing the Bumble Bulletin, Your International Women’s Day Must-Read

While it’s wonderful — and should be mandatory — to give pause and reflect on International Women’s Day each March 8, we aim to keep the conversation around the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women going year-round. 

To commemorate our accomplishments so far and emphasize the importance of International Women’s Day as it relates to our lives this year, we created the very first Bumble Bulletin. We’re dropping them in cities around the U.S. and abroad, with the hopes of similarly dropping some very important knowledge. Did you know, for example, that more than 120 countries still allow child brides? Or that young men get promoted 30 percent more often than young women? Yeah. Those are some tough figures to swallow. 

However, before you think it’s all doom and gloom, let us be the first to say that there is so much our fearless sisters have done — and the sky remains the limit! Just look at some of the inductees into our First Movers Club and spend some time reviewing the historical achievements of women like Alice Paul, Frida Kahlo, and Tarana Burke. 

We urge you to let that passion fuel you today and well after International Women’s Day. Continue breaking those barriers and pushing against stifling, unjust limitations. Someday, it could be you who is recognized as a First Mover, a woman our great-granddaughters might recognize as someone who fought to make her own life better.

Get inspired, aim high, lead by fearless example. Oh, and after you read the Bumble Bulletin, pass it to a friend. We can build each other up through acts of compassion and kindness — and leave the world a better place for the generations of women coming up behind us.