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Your May 2023 Love Horoscope, According to Your Star Sign

By Meghan Rose

With Mercury and Jupiter meeting up this May, it’s a good time to explore your options and stay patient with the process of finding love. You’ll feel a resurgence of energy while dating in the latter half of the month, which can help bring opportunities straight to your doorstep. So as spring settles in, trust that the connections you desire will arrive—and the right one will prevail.

This month’s planetary transits will be asking you to use your intuition to determine how to move things forward with your Bumble match, so get ready to trust your gut to lead the way. What will this look like for your zodiac sign? Read on to find out—and don’t forget to read for your rising sign too!


With success magnet Jupiter entering Taurus on May 16th, you’ll be feeling excited and optimistic about your love life. Channel that energy and initiate the plan for a fun outdoor date or spontaneous adventure with your Bumble crush. If you’re swiping, don’t be afraid to stay open-minded, as you may benefit from taking a chance on someone you wouldn’t typically consider—especially with the New Moon, signifying a fresh start, in Taurus on May 19th. Remember: the pursuit of love isn’t all about the end goal. You could learn something new about yourself this month simply by sharing experiences with an unexpected connection. 


The month of May is the ideal time for you to explore a slower approach to dating. Lucky and expansive Jupiter in your sign on May 16th gives you plenty of opportunities to be spoiled by your love interest. Use this prosperous energy to connect with your Bumble match in a way that engages your senses. After the Mercury retrograde period ends on May 14th and you’re feeling clear-headed again, think about booking a cooking class, attending a paint-and-sip night, or taking a trip to the spa together to align with May’s soft and sensual energy.


Due to Mars, the planet of desire, entering Leo on May 20th you may be feeling extra excited about dating this month. Use this energy to explore new places and things with your Bumble crush. If you stay open to connecting and sharing ideas—and stop worrying if your flirtation is “going somewhere”—May could be one of your best months yet! Mercury retrograde, a time that can cause snags in communication, is here until May 14th, so be sure to express yourself clearly with anyone you’re dating to avoid misunderstandings. Something as simple as reconfirming what time to arrive for your date will be appreciated and can make all the difference.


As Venus, the planet of love, enters sensitive Cancer on May 7th, you may find yourself feeling romantic. This month will have you focused on building an emotional connection, so channel that energy into thoughtful conversations and date nights with your Bumble match. Don’t give up on a connection that’s taking time to grow; if anything, you could benefit from slowing down and getting to know each other better. This is especially important as Mercury retrograde is here until May 14th, which can affect how well we communicate and how others understand us. So instead of rushing to romance with a connection, take your time this month, and let the seeds you plant now sprout later down the line.


May is the perfect time to make moves in your love life, Leo. Energetic Mars enters your sign on May 20th, so use that extra charge to plan a big date night or surprise your Bumble crush with a thoughtful activity. Mars is the planet of passion and forward movement, so don’t be surprised if you have a match or two who wants to take the next step with you this month! If you’re struggling to find fun, new date ideas, try turning one of your favorite hobbies into an activity for you and your match. 


You’re ruled by Mercury, so when the planet of communication leaves the retrograde period in the second half of the month you’ll feel deeply understood by the people you’re dating. It may even seem like they’ve started showing up for you, and taking notes on how you want to be loved. The catch? You’ll need to make sure you’re not taking someone else’s thoughtful gestures for granted. With Mars sitting in your secretive twelfth house, you’ll want to make sure your loving thoughts are being fully expressed. Try letting your guard down this month and taking some initiative towards the right connection. 


You might be feeling like your love life needs a makeover this month, Libra. Luckily, with your Venusian energy being ignited by communicative Mercury and expansive Jupiter, you’ll be ready to make it happen! But even with this ideal timing, you don’t need to jump into anything. If you find that romance is still taking a hiatus, this will be a great time to try a new hobby or channel this prosperous energy into time with friends. Remember: love isn’t just about romance—you can rediscover your love for life this month too!


May is the perfect time to explore your passionate side with love planet Venus entering Cancer on May 7th. While you’re dating this month, try to connect with people who share your intensity and depth. Stay open to getting to know these Bumble matches, and you may be pleasantly surprised with the intensity of one (or some) of your connections this month. With Jupiter entering your seventh house of partnerships on May 16th, it may feel like your love life is moving quickly in the right direction! But keep your wits about you: this transit will last for the next year so there’s no need to rush anything. Have fun with the exploratory phase of connecting with someone special. 


Sagittarius, the month of May could make you feel like you’re on cloud nine with passionate Mars entering fellow fire sign Leo on May 20th! With Venus entering sensitive and committed Cancer on May 7th, your free-spirited self might just be willing to settle down by the end of the month. So keep an eye out for a Bumble match who starts to take their connection with you more seriously. Don’t fear—commitment doesn’t mean that you have to give up on spontaneity or excitement. You just have to find someone who shares your sense of adventure!


You’ll be feeling giddy and excited about love this month, Capricorn—which may feel unusual to you. Your discerning self knows your worth, and you’re not willing to settle when it comes to love. But with Jupiter entering fellow earth sign Taurus on May 16th, it seems like someone who checks all of your boxes may finally be on your radar. Loosen your grip on your single identity and plan a purposeful date to align with your ambitious nature. Something like a hike, bowling, or mini golf will allow you to see if your Bumble match can keep up with you. Have fun, and know that the type of love that holds you accountable and encourages your growth may be right around the corner.


With regenerative Pluto in retrograde in your sign for the whole of May, you’ll be able to reflect on where your old dating habits might be holding you back. Try to banish any negative self-thoughts that may arise. When you accept yourself, it helps you to accept others. Lean into more optimistic beliefs about dating, and you may find that you’ll be pleasantly surprised with your love life by the end of the month. With lucky Jupiter entering fellow fixed sign Taurus on May 16th, you’ll benefit from using mantras each morning to rewire your brain and practice self-care. Something as simple as “my dating life is working in my favor; I trust the process” can help shift your outlook. 


Pisces, this month you’ll feel called to combine your spiritual beliefs and your dating life due to the New Moon in Taurus on May 19th. Use this surge of energy to connect with your Bumble match on a deeper level. Pisces is a sign that flourishes when there’s deep and romantic energy within personal relationships, but you can have a habit of throwing on the rose-tinted glasses when you first connect with someone. Challenge yourself to be realistic and take your Bumble matches at face value in order to protect your time. You may find yourself meeting lots of new people in May, but the one who you’re meant to keep seeing will feel open, curious, and explorative as they get to know you on a deeper level.