Christmas Baking Date Ideas

Christmas Baking Date Ideas

’Tis the season to get festive! If you and your Bumble connection are searching for wholesome date night suggestions this Christmas, then we have you covered on all bases. So, come in from the cold of Christmas Caroling and swap your winter coat for your kitchen apron. This year, we’re here to show you why Christmas baking could be your best date yet!

Christmas baking is what it says on the tin! You and your date get creative in the kitchen while following a strict Christmas theme. Whether you bake festive bread or a batch of Christmas cookies, it’s a great way for you and your partner to connect and see if you’re compatible while cooking.

So get ready to get those creative juices flowing. You’ll quickly discover one another’s likes, dislikes and abilities through this festive date! Will it be a dream come true or a kitchen nightmare?

In this guide, you’ll find most everything you need to organise a successful Christmas baking date. Included are some of our ideas on what Christmas baking ideas are best, how to decorate Christmas cookies and why Christmas baking gifts are a good idea.

Everything you need for a Christmas baking date night:

The nights are getting shorter, the weather is getting colder, and the radio is playing your favorite Christmas songs again. It’s time to get into the festive spirit! If you and your Bumble connection decide on a baking date night, you should collect a couple of things before the date. You know what they say - fail to prepare, prepare to fail, right?

The right recipes:

When picking a recipe, you should play to each other’s strengths. What do you both love to bake? Are you a master at gooey brownies? Are vanilla Christmas cookies more of their style? Or do you both want to push the boat out and attempt baking a panettone? 

Whatever you pick, try to decide together ahead of time. That way, you’ll come to your baking date night prepared. You’ll also end up making something you know that you’ll both enjoy.

The essential ingredients:

Your house or theirs? Wherever you decide, be sure to have the right ingredients on hand. We suggest grabbing yours from the grocery store ahead of time. That way, you’ll spend more time creating together and less time spending money. You also don’t want to start icing your Christmas cookies to realise you’re out of butter!

The perfect equipment:

After deciding on a recipe and picking up ingredients, the last thing you need for making festive bakes together is the proper equipment. If you’re making muffins or spending Christmas baking cookies - be sure to have all the essentials on hand. 

We recommend having a cooling rack, a trusty wooden spoon, a mixing bowl, and a tin to cook your festive bakes. Also, grab any accessories, like a sieve and a muffin case, too. The more prepared you are, the more successful your baking date night will be. 

Christmas baking ideas - Christmas cookies

Unless you both happen to be baking gurus, you may want to take your Christmas baking ideas back to basics. We recommend spending your date night baking Christmas cookies.

Christmas cookies usually only feature a few ingredients. So not only are they fairly cheap and easy to bake, but they also allow you to get creative in the kitchen. 

Instead of baking one batch of cookies together, why not whip up three? One with your favorite flavors, one with theirs, and one combining the two? The latter is a cute way to see if your tastebuds share something.

Once your bakes are in the oven, you could also create some winter drinks. Glasses of eggnog and mugs of mulled wine paired with a warm Christmas cookie? Delicious! Of course there are plenty of non-alcoholic options too!

Christmas cookies to decorate - ideas

Baking is all well and good, but decorating could be the best part of this Bumble date. Go crazy with your Christmas cookie decorating!

You could create Christmas trees with green icing or pipe candy canes with red and white. If you’re feeling super creative, you could also try icing each other’s portraits on top of a sugar cookie! A melting snowman is also an easy yet effective decorating idea. However, be sure to grab some marshmallows at the grocery store!

Whether you work together or apart on your masterpieces, feed yourself and your date Christmas cookies after. Taste each other’s creations and rank them out of 10! You could even go one step further and dunk yours into a cup of hot cocoa for serious winter vibes. 

Why not turn your treats into gifts?

Do you not have much of a sweet tooth? Prefer savoury snacks? If so, you can still enjoy Christmas baking with your Bumble date. Instead of chowing down on your festive bakes after they’ve cooled, you could always give them away!

Giving the gift of Christmas cookies is a great cost-effective holiday present. Ingredients and gifts don’t have to cost the world. Sometimes your family and friends prefer thoughtful gifts instead of expensive ones - it's the thought that counts after all! Find out their favorite flavors and watch the magic happen on Christmas morning.

Not only is baking a great way to make gifts for your friends, but it also brings a sense of purpose to this delicious date night. You and your Bumble connection now have the same goal, hopefully bringing you closer together. You’re also bound to have some more fun! 

You could also inject some friendly competition into your Christmas baking date night! Who is going to make the best edible Christmas presents? Who is going to be crowned the GOAT of decorating Christmas cookies? Flirting has never been so fun! 

Christmas baking is the best

We’re serious, don’t argue with us on this one - we can’t think of a better festive date than Christmas baking. Not only will you make a selection of sweet treats, but you’ll also feel accomplished when you make something special together. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work.
So, will you be adorning your apron and baking Christmas cookies together this festive season? Trust us - this is one of the best cosy winter date ideas for you and your new Bumble connection! We can’t wait to see what festive treats you make!