Horseback Riding Date

Horseback Riding Date

There is something undeniably romantic about horseback riding. The open plains, the freedom, the possibilities… And when paired with a special someone, it can make for a really memorable date experience. If you’re searching for some horseback riding date ideas, then look no further—we’re here to help.

Is horseback riding a good date?

Obviously the answer to this question depends on both your and your Bumble match’s interests. If you aren’t outdoorsy, animal-loving people, then perhaps horseback riding isn’t the best date idea for you. And that’s fine—there are plenty of other activities you can try that might be better suited to you. 

However, it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone to learn more about yourself and other people. If you’ve always wanted to go horseback riding, there’s no time like the present to saddle up. 

Emily, 29, has been on a couple of horseback riding dates and highly recommends it. “I love horse riding, but I don't get to do it very often,” she says. “That’s probably why I have suggested it as a date idea!” 

Emily is close with some of the staff at a local equestrian center—“they’re so friendly and helpful,” she says—and thought it would be fun to share her love of horses with her match. “My last date was super nervous—I don’t think he had much experience being around animals,” she recalls. “But by the end of the session he was in his element, and we had such a great time together.”

Centering a date around an activity is always a good idea because it gives you and your Bumble match plenty of talking points—and horseback riding is no exception. From saddling up, to the horses you’re given, to even just mucking about, there will always be something to discuss. 

Another plus? Being outdoors and at one with nature is inherently romantic, whether you’re with a new flame or a long-term one. And horseback riding is a simple date idea that requires little in the way of planning. Just find a local company that offers horseback riding treks, trail rides, or even lessons, and book an experience. The company will usually provide everything that you need in terms of equipment. 

Patrick, 32, took his now girlfriend on a horseback riding trail in Texas Hill Country. “I live locally, so I knew of this company who did evening horseback rides,” he says. “I thought it would be a great surprise for what I think was our third or fourth date together.” 

It turns out he was right. “The horses were so well trained, and it was beautiful to trek through the countryside while the sun was setting.” 
If you’re a complete newbie, it can be fun to take a horseback riding lesson together. Experts should be on hand to help and will guide you through everything you need to know. And experiencing something new together will no doubt bring you closer.

How to plan a horseback riding date

This will depend on your experience level, as well as where you live. Research stables or companies in your local area, and see what’s on offer. If you can ride somewhere scenic, with beautiful landscape views, it can really add to the overall horseback riding experience. 

If you haven’t been horseback riding before, we don’t recommend you book yourself and your date in for a day-long, off-the-beaten-track expedition. Start out with a lesson—it’s really important to know the basics of horseback riding by working with trained professionals before venturing off on your own, without expert supervision. 

While horses are beautiful, they are also powerful animals. They demand respect, otherwise accidents can happen. Please don’t put yourself or anyone else in danger for the sake of a date. 

Most stables and companies cater to complete beginners and will be there to provide all the support you need. Speak to them and explain what you’d like to get out of your horseback riding date, and they’ll be able to provide recommendations or even tailor-made experiences. 

Trails can cost around $60-$100 per person depending on the ride time. This will also vary depending on where you live, so please research your local area.

Top horseback riding date tips

  • Dress appropriately. Wear closed toe shoes and jeans or thick pants. If you’re going at dusk or evening time, bring a sweater or jacket as an extra layer in case it gets cold.
  • Wear a helmet. We shouldn’t need to tell you why! If the worst comes to the worst and you fall off the horse, you need to make sure you'll be protected. Don’t worry about helmet hair in front of your date—safety is sexy.
  • Bring water. While any decent horseback riding company will provide all the equipment you need, if you’re going out on a trail, it always helps to stay hydrated. Also pack some snacks for you and your date—horseback riding is hungry work!
  • Don’t push yourself. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or not of control, tell one of the company representatives and get off your horse. Trying new things can be overwhelming sometimes, and it’s OK to step back and take a break.
  • Talk to your date. It can feel like there’s a lot to juggle, especially if you’re riding a horse for the first time. But once you’ve got the hang of it, make time to talk to your date. That’s why you’re there, after all! People tend to open up when they’re out in nature, so be prepared for some great conversations. 
  • Plan a post-ride pitstop. As we said, horseback riding is hungry (and thirsty) work. Make a reservation at a nearby bar or restaurant for you and your date to head to afterwards. You can continue those great conversations you started, and it’ll also show that you’re a thoughtful, forward-thinking planner.
  • Take photos. Safely of course. Ask one of the company representatives to snap a picture of you and your date atop your horses. Hopefully it will end up in a frame on your mantelpiece in years to come.

A horseback riding date is creative and romantic. It’s definitely something outside of the ordinary and an experience that you and your date will remember forever. Always take all the necessary safety precautions and remember horses are powerful animals. Now, it’s time to ride off into the sunset…