Pottery Class Date Night Ideas

Pottery Class Date Night Ideas

Are you looking for a date idea with a difference? Dinner and drinks dates are all well and good, but if you’re interested in trying something new with your Bumble date, we’ve got a fun suggestion. Why not try a pottery class date night instead? Grab your match, roll up your sleeves, and get stuck into creating something unique. Will it be messy? Probably. Will you laugh at each other’s technique? Definitely. Read on for our top tips for experiencing your first pottery date. 

Pottery class date - why you should give it a go

A pottery class is a fun choice for a date for several reasons. Firstly, lots of pottery studios have dedicated ‘date night’ classes that are designed with two people in mind. It’s up to you which kind of pottery class you choose: there are a range of options.

Fancy having a go at making something yourself? A ceramics class is what you’re after. Or perhaps you want to leave the clay throwing to someone else–if that’s the case, you could book in for a pottery painting class instead. Attending a pottery class with your date removes the possibility of the dreaded awkward silence (eek), as there will be instructions and lots of other people having a go too.

Ceramics class

During a ceramics class, you and your date will usually sit at one wheel, and learn how to throw and center your clay to make a bowl, mug, or plate. You’ll be working together to create your masterpiece, which helps foster a greater sense of intimacy between you. If you’re nervous about your ability, don’t worry–the staff at the workshop will be well-equipped to help guide you through. 

Pottery painting

A (slightly) less messy option for an art-making date is the pottery painting workshop. At this kind of session, you and your date will be provided with a ready-made piece of pottery to paint. You can then let your creative juices flow and have fun taking your time to paint, sponge, brush, and stamp your piece with the help of a professional potter. Once you’re both happy with your masterpieces, they’ll be glazed and fired in the kiln.

Planning a pottery class date


If you’re thinking of going on a pottery class date, you might want to consider a few things first. To begin with, make sure you and your date don’t wear clothes that you’re too precious about, as creating art can be a messy affair. You’ll be given an apron, but it’s probably best to leave your finest garb at home and opt for comfortable, casual clothing. Keep your shoe choice in mind too–you might encounter an errant water or paint splat.


One thing to consider is the cost of a pottery class. Prices may vary from place to place, but usually, you’d expect to spend upwards of $50 per person. If you’re on a budget, we have plenty of  inexpensive date ideas here. 

Food and drinks

Pottery classes tend to take a couple of hours, so it’s a good idea to think about the food and drink situation. You could make a reservation at a nearby spot for when your class ends, which would give you and your date a chance to discuss the class and laugh about any mishaps you might have made!

At home pottery class date night

If you’re watching your finances but still want to experience the fun of creating pottery with your date, you could freestyle and set up your own workshop at home. Many kits are available to buy online, from mini pinch pots to succulent plant pots, and trinket dishes to vases. Most of these kits provide air-dry clay, which means there’s no need to fire up that kiln you definitely don’t have sitting around. Just make sure you cover any furnishings with drop sheets or newspaper—no one wants paint splatters on Grandma’s tea towel.

Doing an activity on a date, such as a pottery class, allows you to learn more about your match. If you’re in a professional class setting, you’ll be able to see how your date follows instructions and interacts with other people. If you’ve gone down the DIY route at home, you can see how they handle making mistakes and whether they take the lead or the backseat. Just remember–it doesn’t matter how good you are at it, it’s about having fun with your date.