We have a zero-tolerance policy for fake profiles on Bumble and a team that works 24/7 to keep them out of the Hive. If you ever see something suspicious, please don’t hesitate to report it to us!
If you come across a profile that you believe is fake, follow these steps to report it:
- On the user's profile, scroll to the bottom and select the "Hide and Report" option
- Choose "Stolen photo" as your report reason and include any additional comments for our moderation team
- Tell us a little more information about what happened
- Tap "Submit report"
If you have already matched and started a conversation with a user that you'd like to report, the process will be a little bit different. Please follow these steps:
- From your conversation, tap on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner
- Select the option to "Block and Report"
- Choose "Stolen photo" as your report reason and include any additional comments for our moderation team
- Tell us a little more information about what happened
- Tap "Submit report"
Additionally, you can contact our Support Team directly and include the following information:
- The exact name, age, bio, and photos that appear on the profile that you are reporting (if you have them, screenshots are very helpful!)
- The location (city, state, country) where the profile was seen
Other information that could help includes the user's move makers and/or additional photos that are used on the profile. The more details you can provide, the quicker we’ll be able to locate and remove this profile from the Hive.