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Mental wellbeing during Covid

Dating during a pandemic brings way more stress and uncertainty, and maybe less confidence.

It can take extra effort to feel good about ourselves right now, and we know this makes it really hard to get excited about others.

Try to keep these things in mind until more normal times return:

Know you’re not alone

We’re all experiencing the pandemic together, so the people you see on Bumble may be feeling a similar way to you.

Don’t feel like you have to cover up how the times are affecting you. If you can be open about feeling exhausted and uneasy with your match, it might even bring you closer!

No need for pressure

A great way to meet someone for the first time right now is via Video Call.

There’s no need for this to be weird, just keep the call light and fun. Dating is a form of exploration, after all.

Go easy on yourself

If dating feels like too much, there’s nothing wrong with toning down your search for now by using Snooze. Take it from us, nothing should come at the expense of your mental health.