Weekday Date Ideas

Weekday Date Ideas

Whether you’ve been dating someone for a while, or are enjoying meeting different people, dates don’t always have to happen on the weekend. In fact, getting together in the middle of the week has a lot of benefits. If it’s a first date, something quick after work takes the pressure off. If you have children it might be easier to find a babysitter mid-week. And for anyone working from home, dating on a weeknight is a good excuse to get away from your laptop. So if you’re looking for some great weekday date ideas, we’ve compiled a few of our favorites to inspire you. Check them out below.

Date ideas after work

Something fun to look forward to can help make those last few hours of the day bearable. Whether you’re going from an office, or heading out from home, the key to an after-work date is planning something that starts as soon as the working day is over, so you won’t be waiting around. And if you’ve got an early start in the morning, you won’t want to stay out too late (unless it’s a Friday, and then all bets are off). Read on for some of our top date ideas for after work.

A quick supper

If you’re a fan of the dinner date, but not a 9pm reservation, this weekday date idea is for you. Anywhere with a thriving theater district will also have lots of bars and restaurants offering a pre-theater dinner menu. So take advantage, regardless of whether you’re going to see a show or not. Not only does this mean you can enjoy each other’s company over some delicious food, you’ll be able to enjoy three courses, all before 7.30pm, too. Genius!

After-work drinks

Meeting for after-work drinks is a reliable mid-week date idea. You don’t need to go anywhere fancy, but if you’re meeting for the first time, choose somewhere you won’t need to shout to make yourself heard. 

Test your knowledge

Pub quizzes aren’t just for general knowledge fiends. They can be a really fun way to spend time with your date. If it’s early days, a pub quiz is great for getting to know each other better. If you’ve been dating for a while, you might just surprise each other with a piece of incredibly obscure trivia. Who knew they had such an in-depth knowledge of rom-coms? 

The great escape

If the most important thing about an after-work date is that it’s got a firm end time, then consider taking your date to an escape room. Escape rooms have blown up over the last few years, so there’s sure to be one near where you live, or work. Some have themes, some are linear, which means you solve one puzzle after another, while others will require you and your date to solve different tasks at the same time. Whatever style of escape room you go for, you’ll have a blast working together towards a common goal… Getting out of there, so you can go on another date!

Sing it out

Got a voice like an angel? Or just a high threshold for embarrassment? Karaoke is for you. Hire a private karaoke booth and you’ll be singing for an audience of just one, so no need to worry about performing in front of a crowd. Whether you’re belting out power ballads or busting out your best dance moves, it makes for a hilarious hang-out that you’ll both be sure to remember. A karaoke session is also a good idea for double daters, so why not invite your favorite couple along to join in with the gentle humiliation?

Sweat it out

If you’re looking for something you can do together on a regular basis that won’t take up a whole Saturday afternoon, consider booking an after-work date to work out. Yoga, pilates, spinning, a dance class; there’s a lot of choice out there for fun and engaging exercise classes. And most won’t be longer than an hour, so you’ll have the rest of the evening to take it easy, or to grab a post-workout protein shake together.


If working up a sweat with your date isn’t exactly your idea of romance, how about learning a new skill instead? From language classes to pottery, flower arranging to photography, life drawing to screen printing, you can unleash your creative potential as you explore together.

Grab a bite

We all know that some of the best gastronomic experiences can be found being served from a cool little food truck. So explore the casual dining scene in your town on your next weekday date. Head straight to your chosen truck after work, bring your own bottle, or a couple of beers, and enjoy a more interesting way to do fast food.

See some art

If you and your date love art, this weekday date idea is ideal. Many galleries and museums offer specific time slots for their most popular exhibits, so book a time straight after you both finish work. Your gallery visit can be the precursor to an early dinner, so is perfect if you’re short on time.

Show your competitive side

Well, don’t get too competitive…you don’t want to scare anyone. If you can rein it in, there’s nothing more fun than a spot of friendly competition. Friendly being the important word here. Bowling, mini golf, foosball, ping pong; there’s a huge choice of themed bars out there, so pick your sport and get to it,  enjoying a cocktail as you play. And if you hit it off , does it really matter who wins?

Pamper time

A date idea for after work that doesn’t involve rushing around, getting overheated, or having to learn something—Depending on how well you know each other, consider heading to a spa for an indulgent couple’s massage. There won’t be much opportunity to talk, but being able to truly unwind at the end of a long day is a lovely way to spend an hour together.

Walk it off

Want to get outside? Now spring is here and the freezing days of winter are behind us (we hope), taking our dating life outdoors is possible once more. So why not agree to meet at a nearby park or open space, and take a stroll? You can get to know each other better as you take in the sights, and the arrival of dusk can act as the natural end point of the date. Unless, of course, you’re having so much fun, you decide to keep it going elsewhere…

From quick suppers to pub quizzes, our list of after-work date ideas proves that dating on a weeknight is just as much fun as on the weekend. So if you’re looking for someone to get stuck in an escape room with, sign up to Bumble now.