Evening Date Ideas

Evening Date Ideas

There’s something about evening dates that feels extra special. The anticipation of a date lined up at the end of the day, and taking your time to get ready with your favorite playlist on – evening dates can really build a sense of excitement. If it’s a weekday, the evening is the perfect time to have a quick catch-up after work with less pressure than planning an entire day’s worth of activities. If your date is on the weekend, you can spend the day with friends or take your time luxuriating in getting date night ready! Read on for our list of evening date ideas. 

Fun evening date ideas

At the end of a long day, something fun is just what you and your Bumble match need to relax and get to know each other. Forget the pressure of a luxe dinner and drinks, it’s all about keeping things casual and light. With this in mind, we’ve created a list of fun evening date ideas for you to try out.

Bowling date

Swap your trainers for goofy bowling shoes and get ready to hit the lanes. The bowling alley is the perfect place to spend your evening, as they usually don’t just offer bowling. Grab a pre-bowl drink or snack and strategize before you get down to business. A bit of friendly competition can do wonders for creating a spark with your date, just don’t take yourself too seriously. If the date’s a success, does it really matter who wins?

Sing your heart out

Not one for the faint of heart, or those with a low tolerance for embarrassment, a karaoke session is a hilarious way to bond with your date. If you’ve got the voice of an angel, you could rock up to an open mic night and sing your way into their heart. Bit rusty? Book a private karaoke booth and belt it out in the knowledge that what you hear in the booth, stays in the booth. 

Cooking class

This one is perfect for an after-work weekday date when you’ve finished for the day and are starting to think about dinner. Instead of cooking alone, why not book a cooking class for you and your date? Guided by a chef, you’ll get to create a delicious recipe together. If it turns out well, you could even try and recreate it at home together during another date night.

Outdoor evening date ideas

Spring is the perfect time to go on an outdoor evening date; it doesn’t get dark too early, and the weather should be pleasant enough to go outside with a light jacket. Here are some ideas for what you and your date could do together.

Watch a sports game

Whether it's your favorite sports team at an outdoor stadium or a local soccer team, live sporting events are usually good fun. This date idea is particularly good for a first or second date, as there’ll be lots going on and plenty to discuss. Plus, it’d be nearly impossible for awkward silences to occur with all the cheering.

Sunset date

A  budget-friendly date idea is watching the sunset with your Bumble match. The sun sets later in Spring than in the chillier winter months, making it the perfect time to have a sunset date after work or on a weekend evening. Grab a blanket, find a prime viewing spot like a steep hill if you’re in the suburbs or a cliff if you’re by the coast, and settle in for a romantic evening date.

Inexpensive evening date ideas

Cook up a storm

If you’ve been dating for a while and feel comfortable having your Bumble match over to your place, cooking together is a budget-friendly option for date night. Decide which cuisine you’re in the mood for, head to the store for the ingredients, and get chopping. Preparing a meal together gives you the chance to connect and get to know each other on a deeper level–the food might not be the only thing sizzling.

Visit a gallery or museum

A cultural night out with your match doesn’t need to cost a ton–many art galleries and museums are free to look around. Stroll around the exhibition and take in your surroundings, discussing the pieces together. Keep an eye out for special late-night evening events, too.

Take a stroll around your neighborhood

A simple idea, yes–but hear us out. Instead of spending money in a noisy bar, what about taking a night stroll around your neighborhood? You could prepare a flask of coffee and sip as you walk and talk. Dates don’t need to be expensive or imaginative all of the time, sometimes the simple ones are the best for deepening connections.

No matter your budget or what stage of the relationship you’re at with your Bumble match, we hope this list of evening date ideas has been helpful and inspiring for your next meet-up. Just remember to stay safe, have fun, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Simply have fun getting to know each other while doing something you both enjoy.