Date Ideas for Cold Weather

Date Ideas for Cold Weather

As temperatures drop and snowflakes begin to fall, the cold weather can actually bring a breath of fresh air to the dating scene. Yes, we know summer dating is hot in more ways than one—the beach getaways, rooftop hangouts, pretty picnics, and fire outfits. But cold weather dates? Now, they have their own charm. Think crisp walks through a winter wonderland, the soothing sound of rainfall on the sidewalk, and the warmth of a fluffy shared blanket. They don’t call it cuffing season for no reason. There’s something cute about bundling up with your special someone, cozy by the fireplace, hands wrapped around a warm drink… or each other, if that’s your vibe. 

But like anything in life, the cold isn’t for everyone. Maybe you’re happy to do cold weather dates so long as you get to stay in the warm, or you might be tired of staying in and want to do something outdoors that won’t be compromised by the cold weather. Check this guide for a mixed bag of cold weather date ideas, so whatever your preference, you’re covered. 

Fun cold weather date ideas

Whether it’s wet, snowy, foggy, or dry, one thing’s for sure… it's cold. And you’re looking for a way to keep the sparks flying during the chilly weather. Here are our favorite fun cold weather date ideas perfect for first daters, long-term lovers, and everyone in between.

Have an indoor picnic

Who says picnics are just for sunny days? Or that they even have to be outside? Bring the outdoors in for a perfect rainy day date night, where you can stay dry and warm with an indoor picnic—a fun twist on a classic.

If you’re comfortable with your date, set up your indoor picnic at home and invite them over for an evening of food and games. Lay out a comfortable blanket, prepare some of your favorite snacks, and dim the lights to set the vibe. Make a playlist of soft tunes to play in the background, and enjoy each other’s company in the comfort of your own home while you listen to the soothing sound of raindrops on the window pane. Ah, romantic.

Put on a movie

Film fanatics, but would rather not get caught in the rain on your way to the theater? Transform your living room into a cinematic retreat for two for a classic rainy day date night. Dim the lights, and set up a comfy viewing area with plush cushions, blankets, and snacks galore.

Select a movie that both of you can enjoy, whether it’s a rom-com, action-packed, or a heartwarming drama. Since you’re in the comfort of your own home, you could even put on your favorite binge-worthy series. Pop some popcorn, pour your favorite drinks, and lose yourselves in the flick of your choice, letting the movie spark conversation. As well as having nobody to stop you from talking at your home cinema, you also don’t have to sit through the adverts or drop a ton of cash on movie theater candy. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a win-win to us.

First date ideas in cold weather

Here are some of our favorite first date ideas that the cold weather won’t ruin—in fact, it could even enhance your evening.

Take a romantic stroll

‘What’s romantic about walking around in cold weather?’ I hear you ask. Well, we say what’s not romantic about walking around in cold weather! Dress up warm, embrace the chill, and take a stroll hand in hand. Enjoy the feeling of the crisp air on your cheeks and take in the serene atmosphere as the soft glow of streetlights sets the perfect backdrop for intimate conversations. Pick up a hot drink along the way and let the beauty of the season deepen your connection. 

Visit your favorite coffee shop

There’s something comforting about heading to your favorite coffee shop on a cold day. It’s the perfect rainy day first date location for those who aren’t quite ready to spend the night in with their potential boo, and it’s a great way for your date to learn your go-to order—black with two sugars, please!

Simply order your hot drink, or cold one if you’re into that kind of thing at any time of year (did someone say cold brew?), snag a cozy corner, and let the conversation flow. Connecting over coffee is a simple yet effective way to build on your relationship, and it’s also a great way to calm any first-date jitters by being in the warmth and comfort of a familiar environment. 

Date night ideas in cold weather

Looking to channel the romantic vibes of a cold winter’s night? Try these date ideas for chilly weather. 


Okay so picture this: you find someone on Bumble who matches your adventurous energy. The weather is cold, and you’re both up for a laugh, so what do you do? Lace up those skates and take to the ice.

Make your way around the rink, listening to the music and watching as the twinkling lights pass by. Get ready for hilarious slips (if they’re no pro), which only brings ample opportunity for some classic hand-holding. On the ice, every misstep can be a chance to pull someone closer. Grab a bite to eat afterward and bond over slips, trips, and maybe even tricks if you manage to channel your inner professional ice skater.

Cabin getaway

Now I know we said outdoor dates, but we’d like to think of a cabin getaway as a nice mix of the two. Visiting a cabin in the summer doesn’t allow you to make the most of the main attraction—the cabin itself! You’re more likely to spend time out exploring the area in the warm weather. So, grab your person and book yourselves in for a weekend away in the woods.

In a secluded setting, you can escape the hustle and bustle, snuggle by the fireplace, and sip on hot cocoa as you look out to the beautiful views of Mother Nature. Plenty of log cabins also come with the option of outdoor hot tubs, giving you a chance to enjoy the outdoors and stay warm. Just a note—it’s important to be super comfortable with anyone you ask to join you on a secluded getaway. We’re not recommending this one for a first date, but it’s definitely a strong option for special anniversaries or long-term partners.

Whip up some winter warmth

Get those mitts ready—we're turning date night into an episode of The Great Bumble Baking Show. Whether you're a wizard with a whisk or a newbie with a ready-mix, the kitchen is a great place to cook up some warmth this winter and make your date extra delicious.

Picture it: you two cuties, creating holiday treats, laughter filling the room alongside the scent of baked goods. And the best part? Cozying up under a blanket to taste test your creations while watching your favorite flick. It doesn't get sweeter than that.

Don’t let the cold weather get you down

Although it’s easy to feel like hibernating until spring, we have to remember that the time is now! Don’t let a little chill knock you off your dating game. Hop onto Bumble, and find someone who matches your energy. Go out on that date, try something different, and enjoy the fun parts of dating. From ice-skating adventures to cabin getaways, there’s a world of experiences waiting for you and your special someone to explore. So on that note, dress warm and let the magic of winter dating heat up your love life with these cold weather date ideas.