Best Indoor Date Ideas

Best Indoor Date Ideas

Even though summer is just around the corner, the weather can still be unpredictable. You never know when a bout of rain or a cloudy sky will ruin your plans, so it’s best to arm yourself with a slew of indoor date ideas as a backup. Lucky for you, we have plenty—and they’re relevant all year round. So here are some fun indoor date ideas for you and your next Bumble match.

Movie night

Let’s start with something simple. If it’s grizzly outside, or you're just feeling a little lazy, watching a movie can be the perfect indoor date idea for couples. If you feel comfortable having your date over, arranging a home screening is cozy and cost effective. You can pop some popcorn, dim the lights—instant mood setter. If you’re not ready for a hang at your place, check out what’s showing at your local movie theater—they also have great snacks…and a way better sound system.

Quiz time

A pub quiz or trivia night at a local bar or cafe can be a great way to flex your general knowledge while getting to know more about your date (and what your date knows about!). Since you’ll have a task at hand and be in a place with a bit of atmosphere, you won’t need to worry too much about the conversation flowing—what we’d call a perfect indoor first date. 

If you don’t fancy heading out, one of you could adopt the role of quiz master at home. Choose a subject and write questions for your date to answer. Take turns so each of you gets to learn more about the other. Just make sure there’s a special prize for the winner!

Cool concerts

Attending a concert is a super fun indoor date idea. If you’re feeling romantic, you could go for an evening of classical music. Or if you want more of a playful vibe, check your local listings for shows that will get you on your feet—and this way you can check out your date’s dance moves while you’re at it. Music is a great way to bond with other people—introducing your date to one of your favorite bands can feel great, and vice versa. Of course, your musical tastes might not be totally aligned, so be sure to keep an open mind. 

Art galore

Checking out a new art exhibition is a great way to spend a rainy day, especially with your person. See if anything new has opened in your area recently, and if not, there’s nothing wrong with revisiting some timeless classics. Art provides plenty of conversation starters if you’re just beginning to get to know someone.

 If you’re feeling crafty, why not host an art night at home? You and your date can create masterpieces in your chosen medium—paint, pencil, even collage if you fancy. There are plenty of paint-by-number kits or adult coloring books available these days if you need a starting point. Or go online for fun drawing tutorials you can do together. This is dating indoors done right in our opinion.

Comedy night

They say laughter heals all wounds, so if you’ve had a tough day at work and need a pick-me-up, taking your date to a comedy night can be a great bonding experience. You can rely on somebody else to make all the jokes, and you can also get a feel for your date’s sense of humor. Check out what events are taking place in your local comedy scene, book a couple of tickets, and go from there. Afterward you’ll have plenty to talk—and laugh—about.

Sweat it out

If you and your match both like to work out, why not do it together? Hit the gym, where you can sign up for a group class together—perhaps yoga or HIIT, depending on your skill set. (Read more about couples yoga or running dates here.) Or opt for the machines and chat while you work up a sweat. Afterward grab a post-workout smoothie and cheers to staying fit. 

Written in the cards

If you’re into spirituality, tarot can be a fun and unexpected indoor date idea. If you’re new to tarot, buy a deck and be sure to do a little online research beforehand to learn what each of the cards mean. Then get your date to pull some cards and tell them what their future has in store! This is a really fun indoor date idea for those looking to try something a little less ordinary. Light some candles to really get the mood going.

Scrapbook together

Once you have a few dates under your belt, why not suggest a scrapbooking session? If you have saved tickets or memorabilia from things the two of you have done together, you can cut and paste them into a journal. Use colourful pens to write dates and captions, so you can remember in years to come. Bonus points if you print off some of the photos from your smartphone.

Top chefs

Going out to eat is, of course, one of the most common indoor date ideas. Instead of eating the same old Italian, why not mix it up a bit and take your date to try a new cuisine? Both of you can compare notes afterwards, and decide where you’ll sample next. Or if you fancy yourself as a bit of a chef, why not invite them over for an indoor date night dinner and impress them with your cooking skills? Best part is that they’ll have to return the favor…

Indoor picnic

Bring dating indoors this summer! If you’d planned a romantic park date but the weather has let you down, get creative. Why not host the picnic on your living room floor instead? You can lay out the blanket and food the same as if you were outside, while enjoying the benefit of being sheltered from the rain (and having restrooms close by). 

Home improvement

OK, we don’t want anyone getting hurt here, but if you’re a DIY whiz, fixing some things around your or your date’s home could be a nice way to spend an afternoon together. Painting, sanding, drilling—make yourself useful! It’s a great way to combine your skills, be helpful, and bring a part of you into their home.

Game night

Call us old school, but we love a classic board game as an indoor date night idea. Taking a break from screens and devices, it’s a great way to use your practical thinking skills while having fun with your date. And if you lose, you can always challenge them to a rematch.

Lots of lattes

If you’re like us, you probably spend a small fortune on iced coffee throughout the summer. Bringing the barista vibes home is not only a way to save a few coins, but also to get creative with your date. Add syrups, flavorings, toppings—the world’s your oyster when you don’t get charged per item. Fill up with plenty of ice from the freezer and you have the perfect at-home cooler. Just make sure to use reusable straws.

Sundae best

Instead of strolling around the park with an overpriced ice cream cone, why not buy a jumbo tub and create sundaes at home for you and your date? This can be a really fun and cost effective indoor date idea. As with the coffee, the same rule applies for the toppings here—the more the better. 

We hope we’ve given you enough indoor date ideas to get started. Remember, we always recommend meeting in a public place for a first date, to ensure your safety. Inviting your date over, or going to their place should come once you’ve met IRL. For more safety tips, see here, but otherwise—have fun at the great indoors!