Volunteering Date Ideas

Volunteering Date Ideas

Is your dating routine feeling more "yawn" than "yay"? Are movie nights and dinners out leaving you feeling lukewarm? Swap those predictable date night activities for something meaningful with a feel-good factor: try volunteering!

By volunteering, you'll not only sprinkle a little kindness into your community, but you'll also get to see a different side of your date. Plus, it serves as a bonding experience that fosters meaningful connections.

If you’re looking for something truly special to do with your date, or you forgot to make a reservation way back in November for Valentine’s Day, arranging a volunteering date could be the answer. 

So, grab someone you'd like to get to know better and get ready for a date that's helpful, memorable, and positive.

Why volunteer on a date? 

Volunteering can be a great experience for lots of reasons. You can expect to meet new people, learn new skills, and enjoy working in a team on a shared project or goal, whether that's planting a community garden or making and serving up meals. It's these moments that can fast-track a bond from "just met" to "just gets me.” 

Plus, the activities and events run by volunteer organizations often involve new experiences, making it a great way to have fun while making a difference. From organizing fundraisers to participating in community events, no matter your interests or skills, there's a volunteer opportunity for you and your date.

Volunteer date ideas

There are countless ways to volunteer, so be sure to find something that interests you and fits your schedule.

We're sharing a selection of volunteer date ideas that are both meaningful and fun, but make sure to explore your local area, check messageboards in public buildings and spaces, or search online for what's out there. Depending on your location, you could find a whole range of different opportunities.

Dig for your date 

How about giving your next date a green twist? By volunteering at a local community garden or veg patch project, you can spend time together in nature and learn a ton of cool new skills. Prepare to roll up your sleeves and dive into the dirt—planting veggies, pulling out weeds, gathering produce, pruning, and watering.

One thing is pretty much guaranteed: you’re going to get dirty. Wear old clothes you don’t mind getting muddy and can move in freely. Bonus points if you’ve got any green-fingered accessories at home to bring along, like gardening gloves, kneelers, or a sunhat. 

Serve up support

Consider extending a helping hand at a local soup kitchen or food bank—a powerful way to nourish your community. In these lively kitchens, you could be chopping veggies, loading dishwashers, or organizing stock rooms. You might even find yourselves packing and categorizing donations at a bustling food bank, directly helping to combat food insecurity.

This is not just a date; it's an opportunity to confront vital issues such as hunger and poverty right on your doorstep. And for those of you interested in food or social work, you'll be garnering great insight into these fields. So, invite your match to join you in this date idea—the recipe is all ready for you to cook up a memorable experience and heart-warming connection.

Clean-up crew

Craving a bit of open-air adventure on your next rendezvous? Roll up your sleeves and invite your latest Bumble match for an eco-friendly date with a twist—take part in a beach or park cleanup. It’s not just an excuse to soak up some sun: you’re also teaming up to tidy up our planet’s natural hangouts. Whether it's breathing new life into a neighborhood park, scouring the sand for litter, or ensuring our beaches remain postcard-perfect, your joint efforts will echo well beyond a single date.

Help at the animal shelter

How about sharing your next date with some four-legged friends? Check with local animal shelters and see if they could use any help with feeding, walking, or (mostly likely) cleaning up after their guests. 

Volunteering at an animal shelter also allows you to develop new skills and expand your knowledge about animal care and behavior. You might get the chance to help with tasks like feeding, grooming, and socializing the animals. This hands-on experience can be valuable for those interested in pursuing a career in animal-related fields or those passionate about animals.

Like the community garden idea, this is not the place to debut your latest, greatest outfit find (but we know you already knew that). Think comfy, stretchy, and something you’re happy to get messy in. 

Get sporty

Why not bring a sporty twist to altruism on your next date? Team up and volunteer at a local sports organization to score points in camaraderie and community contribution. Whether it's supporting a local youth football league, organizing an amateur basketball tournament, or carrying the floaties at a community swim meet, it's your chance to be part of a team off the field.

No matter your interests, there are plenty of ways to get involved in your community and make a difference.

Make volunteering a regular date activity

Making volunteering a regular date activity is a fantastic way to strengthen your relationship and positively impact your community. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Choose a cause you're both passionate about

This will make the experience more meaningful and enjoyable for both of you. Countless volunteer opportunities are available, so do some research together to find something that aligns with your interests and values.

Finding that cause you’re both keen to support will turn every volunteer date into a passion project. There are so many great causes out there—from puppy cuddling to marathons, to cleaning up the ocean—you’re bound to find something that’ll have you both saying, “This is us.” Dive into some research together to find your volunteer soulmate cause.

Pick a regular time and place

Planning it into your schedule will help you stay committed and make it easier to fit volunteering into your busy lives. Whether you volunteer once a week, once a month, or just a few times a year, every little bit makes a difference.

Keep talking

Wind down from your date with a debrief about the feels of the day. Sharing what touched your heart or made you think can help you have more meaningful conversations and bring you closer. This will help you connect with each other on a deeper level and appreciate the positive impact you’re making in your community.

Important dates in the volunteering calendar 

National Volunteer Week in the US and Canada

In the US and Canada, it’s not just a day but a whole week—National Volunteering Week is observed every April. It's a fantastic opportunity to get involved with community activities. This could be anything from environmental clean-ups to charity events, so keep an eye out for new and exciting ways to get involved in your community and join the local volunteering squad. 

Important volunteering dates across the world 

In Australia, National Volunteer Week takes place in May, while Volunteers' Week is observed in the first week of June in the UK. 

Throughout these volunteering weeks, there are often special events to check out. Opportunities could range from marathons to cleanup operations and charity bake sales. Plus, there's usually a social element involved, giving you the chance to meet like-minded individuals. 

Remember that volunteering is all about making a difference. Whether big or small, all contributions are welcome. Stay safe, respect everyone involved, and let's make the world a better place together.