Our Favorite Active Date Ideas for Winter

Our Favorite Active Date Ideas for Winter

Winter's here, and we're all about keeping cozy. But who says you can't stay active and have fun during the chilly season? If you live in a place with all four seasons and are looking for some date ideas to help you stay active during the wintertime, we’ve curated this list of our favorite ways to have a great time with your special someone. And even if you live somewhere with a perpetual summer, feel free to repurpose these active date ideas to feel the festive spirit, even if it’s 75 degrees out there (our indoor ideas will be especially useful). 

So don't let cold weather put your love life on ice—bundle up and dive into these amazing winter date ideas. From snow-filled adventures to cozy indoor experiences, there’s something for everyone who wants to stay active and in love this winter.

Active outdoor dates for couples

Don't let the chilly temperatures keep you indoors!  Embrace the fresh winter atmosphere and get active with these winter date ideas for couples.


Experience the beauty of winter landscapes with snowshoeing. It’s a surprisingly beginner-friendly activity (all you need are the snowshoes), and if you live in a snowy state, you’re likely to find snowshoe trails in state parks, ski centers, and on public hiking paths. 

If you don’t have your own snowshoes, some locations will have them available to rent for around $30 per day, and accessing the trails can even be free (although prices will vary depending on where you are). With snowshoes strapped on, you and your date can traverse powdery snow, breathe in the crisp air, and marvel at the serene winter beauty. Put on your warmest winter gear, stock up on snacks and a flask of something warm, and make a day of it.

Snowboarding and skiing

If you’re a little more comfortable in the snowsports game and live close to a skiing or snowboarding destination, you could hit the slopes with your date and bond as you conquer snowy hill after snowy hill. And if you're newbies, no worries—you could opt to take lessons together, as part of the fun is trying it as a team. 

Equipment rental is often available in resort areas, or you could find a specialist shop that offers leasing in your area before you go. Some towns have indoor ski slopes, which is a great option if you’re looking for a fun, active day with a smaller price tag.

Have your very own snow day

Embrace your inner children together and spend a day in the snow. This one is a perfect date idea if you’re lucky enough to live in a state that gets good snowfall (although Floridians, you’re lucky enough to enjoy the beach in January—so we’re all blessed in our own way). 

Find a hill and enjoy the excitement as you race each other or go tandem on a sled. Just remember to pack warm clothes and hot cocoa for a cozy break between the excitement. Build snow forts and snowmen, or have a snowball fight. Complete the snowy adventure with a steaming cup of hot cocoa while snuggling up to warm up after your frosty adventures.

Ice skating

A true winter classic. Enjoy a romantic ice-skating session together and glide gracefully (or not-so-gracefully) on an outdoor rink, a frozen lake, or even an indoor arena. If you’re not a seasoned skater, this provides the perfect chance to create fun and lasting memories as you learn together, wobbles and all—and those penguins that the kids hold on to are kind of cute, actually.

Bundle up and go for a winter hike

Let's get ready to embrrrrace the chill! Layer up in your coziest, warmest gear for an icy adventure. A solid winter hike isn't just about who can make the best snow angels—it’s also about being safe and prepared. Layering is everything: a thermal base for extra warmth, a fleece for coziness, and a waterproof shell on top are all key. 

Your body burns more calories to keep warm in the cold weather (hello, second chocolate bar), so pack high-energy snacks to fuel your adventure. A first-aid kit, map, compass, and headlamp are must-haves in any hiker’s pack, so make sure you’re covered. 

When you’re all layered up, choose a hiking spot and get ready for good conversation with your favorite hiking partner, combined with the beautiful, frosty scenery. This active date will have you both feeling enchanted. Keep an eye on the weather, even if you're only planning a short hike. Posting perfect snowflake selfies is fun... having them cut short by a snowstorm, not so much.

Indoor active dates for winter

Feel snow-verse? We get it—sometimes wet feet and chapped lips aren’t the one. Try one of these fun, active winter date ideas if staying indoors is more your speed.


This unusual activity is the ultimate bonding blend of fun and friendly competition. Plenty of indoor axe-throwing venues are popping up, so do a quick search online to find a location near you. Pro tip: some even have leagues and tournaments, so if you catch the axe-flinging bug, there will be plenty of opportunities to show off your new skills. 

Comfort and safety are the names of the game. Wear close-toed shoes and comfy clothing that doesn't restrict your movement. You want to be able to swing that axe confidently without any wardrobe malfunctions.

If you're new to axe-throwing, no stress—instructors will be there to guide you with techniques and safety tips. Remember, it's all about having a great time and embracing the challenge. So grab your date, your casual clothes, and your inner axe-wielding warrior for the ultimate bonding blend of fun and friendly competition.

Indoor rock climbing

Looking for a killer upper body workout that'll challenge you both? Scale the heights of a rock climbing gym, and watch as your trust, teamwork, and communication skills reach peak performance. 

To prepare for your date, opt for flexible, form-fitting workout gear. Clothing that moves with you is what you're aiming for. Choose closed-toe athletic shoes if you won't be renting climbing shoes—most climbing gyms rent equipment like harnesses, shoes, and belay devices, so no need to haul in your own gear if you don’t have any. All we recommend taking with you is a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated and a can-do attitude. 

Never done it before? That's totally OK. Everyone starts at base camp. Check the gym’s schedule for intro sessions, taster days, or orientation times. You'll be given a safety briefing and basic climbing instruction, and gym instructors are on hand to offer advice and tips. Then, you’ll be ready to rock and reach new heights together. 

Dance class

Get your groove on by attending a dance class together. Whether you're passionate about salsa, hip-hop, ballroom, or even ballet, you'll have a blast twirling, stepping, and laughing together as you learn something new and express yourselves through movement.

Have a chat about the kind of dance that feels right for you. Will it be the spins and turns of salsa, a fitness-focused class, beautiful ballroom, retro swing, or empowering belly dancing? There's a rhythm for every couple. Find the beat that gets both your hearts racing.

Pack your dance essentials: clothes that let you twirl freely, suitable shoes for the dance style (for newbies, a simple cross-trainer or flat non-slip shoes will work just fine), and a water bottle. Keep an open mind, be patient with yourself and your partner, and most importantly, have fun. Dancing is about connection, expression, and finding joy in motion.

From outdoor adventures to indoor hilarity, there's enough inspiration here to keep your hearts warm throughout the colder months. Your winter dates will be anything but hibernation mode—with these ideas, the most magical season is bound to bring you closer. Create unforgettable memories, stay active, and strengthen your bond with these winter date ideas.