Fun Snow Sledding Date Ideas

Fun Snow Sledding Date Ideas

Winter sledding dates

Normally when your date is going downhill fast, it’s a sign that this isn’t the one for you. But going downhill fast is exactly what you want to happen on a sledding date! Preferably as fast as possible while holding tight to your match, before ending up in a cosy tumble at the bottom.

Winter is a special time to be dating, especially if you’re in that magical early stage where the butterflies are fluttering around your tummy when you even think of them and every date is like something from a romantic movie.

We’re big fans of holidaymovies here, and they are FULL of great dating ideas in the wintertime, and one you can definitely steal for your IRL dating is snow sledding.

Maybe you’ve not been on a sled since you were a kid, but there’s nothing immature about enjoying the sensation of hurtling down a slope on a toboggan or a rubber tube. In fact, it’s even better as a grown-up when you can share it with your match.

So we’ve come up with some ideas you can use to make sure your snow date is one you’ll both remember for a long time.

A few sledding date Ideas to get you going

Sledding is amazing. You knew it when you were six and it’s time to remember that feeling now but with the added excitement of doing it on a date. Here are our sledding ideas for you:

Make it competitive 

There’s two main kinds of sledding you can do on a date. One is to clamber into the sled together which has the added thrill of physical intimacy and shared experience. The other is to have a race. Christmas movies are split on which of these is the best way to fall deeply in love with each other, so you should probably try both, just to be sure.

But, like any competitive dating experience (mini golf, for example) be careful not to take the competition too seriously because being a sore loser or a gloating winner isn’t the way to anyone’s heart. Racing should be fun with any cheating done purely for laughs and if the prize is a kiss at the bottom of the slope, everyone’s a winner in the end.

Don’t forget that sledding doesn’t have to be downhill 

Anyone can go sledding if there’s snow, hills and sleds available, but if you live somewhere particularly wintery there’s another option. Getting pulled along by sled dogs is a completely different kind of winter romantic adventure you can enjoy together on a date, taking in the scenery and clinging tight to each other when you realize how fast those dogs can pull you. It’s another scene straight from a Christmas movie and just as magical in real life, so be sure to enjoy it together. And remember to say thank you to the dogs afterwards.

Who needs a sled? 

But wait! A snow date sounds awesome. It’s snowed - but neither of you has a sled and the shops are all sold out. Bummer! But not the end of the awesome date idea. It’s not 100% essential that you use an actual sled to go sledding.

You can always improvise. Why not use an inner tube, a trash can lid, a cafeteria tray, a boogie board or even a yoga mat? Remember safety first, you want to try your best not to wind up in the ER.

Always have a plan for what comes next 

One thing to remember about a snow sledding date is that by the end of it, you’re both wet, cold and probably tired from trudging back up the hill each time. None of these are ideal ways to end a date, so you need to have a plan for what comes after.

If you’ve gone to an organized sledding area it may well be part of a larger winter event with stalls selling hot drinks and snacks, in which case hanging out there can be a fun way to extend the date.

If you’re just in a local park, there might be nothing, so scope out a nearby cafe or bar where you can go and warm up your frozen butts. Otherwise, it’s back to yours, so make sure the heating is on, the hot chocolate and cookies are available and the blankets are plentiful. You can probably find ways to warm yourselves up.

Why stop at sledding? 

If you’re ready to play around in the snow a bit longer after the novelty has worn off, why not indulge in all the things you used to love to do when it was snowy? Building snowmen is a huge amount of fun when working with your date, or you could compete to see who’s got the best skills.

If you’ve not made snow angels, have you even BEEN on a snowy date? And of course, then there’s ice skating. It’s an essential part of dating in the winter, so whether you’re any good or resemble Bambi on the ice, we’re afraid you’re just going to have to strap on those skates and give it a go. You’ll either be the couple everyone else envies or you’ll have a hilarious time slipping and sliding together.

Don’t forget to dress right

And finally, let’s make sure you don’t get the sledding date off to the worst possible start. You need to dress sensibly for going sledding, no matter how cute people might dress in the movies. You’ll be falling out of a sled at high speed in the snow, so warm clothes are needed, quite probably with thermal underwear. Maybe it’s not very sexy, but neither is having to end the date after five minutes because you can’t feel anything below your waist.