Sunday Date Ideas

Sunday Date Ideas

After a busy day at work or college, going on a date might be the last thing on your mind. Weeknight dates can suit folks who are looking to take the pressure off with a quick meet-up. But if the thought of spending your Tuesday evening getting dressed up and traveling across the city to meet a Bumble match fills you with dread, we have a list of fun Sunday date ideas that should hit the spot instead. So, save your weeknights for sweatpants and the couch, and read on for some Sunday date idea inspiration.

Why is Sunday a good day for dating?

Sunday is the perfect day for dating–it’s the underdog of the weekend. Planning a date on a Friday or Saturday night can be high pressure, especially if it’s a first date. Sunday, on the other hand, is the perfect time to schedule a meet-up. It offers a more laidback and relaxed atmosphere, as most people have the day off work, reducing the rush usually linked with work days. 

Sunday morning date ideas

Planning a date on a Sunday morning allows you to meet up with your Bumble match without the pressure of an all-dayer. If things go well and you’re hitting it off, you can always extend the date into the afternoon!

A casual brunch

The trusty brunch date is a failsafe activity for a reason. Meeting up in a cozy cafe and perusing a menu of delicious food together gives you talking points immediately–super helpful for alleviating any nerves. Once you’ve ordered your steaming cup of coffee and avo on toast, you’re all set for a laidback date. Once the check comes, you can decide whether to carry on your date or call it quits. 

A Sunday stroll

Get into nature and go for a Sunday stroll with your date. Think local beauty spots, city parks, and nature walks. Outdoor dates are great for easing conversational gaps and you’ll have plenty of things to look at and discuss. Interesting birds, gorgeous blooming flowers, and fun-shaped clouds are your friends. As a bonus, this Sunday date idea is easy on the purse strings!

Explore your local farmers’ market

Another date idea that can be as budget-friendly as you want it to be, hitting up a local farmers’ market is a chilled Sunday activity. A quick search online should guide you in the right direction if you’re not familiar with one in your area. Walk from stall to stall, taking in the sights and smells of fresh fruit, vegetables, cheeses, and bread. You could even pick up a few things to cook together later in the evening, which would come in handy for one of our following ideas. 

Go on a bakery crawl

Another low-key Sunday morning date idea is to meet your Bumble connection at a local bakery. Pick up a coffee or hot chocolate at the first stop, then make your way to the next place for a bagel, finishing off at another bakery for a sweet treat. Trying a variety of pastries together means you can compare your favorites, and the walk in between pit stops will provide plenty of things to see and talk about.

Sunday night date ideas

With the thought of work or studying the next day, the key to a great Sunday night date is to keep it low-key. No one expects a late night on a Sunday, which allows you to keep the date casual and duck out when you need to.

Get cooking

This one probably isn’t suitable for a first date with someone you’re unfamiliar with, and we always encourage practicing safe dating. We do have tons of first date ideas here, however! After you’ve been dating a little while, cooking together can be an excellent way to get to know each other on a deeper level. Plan a menu, head to the store together, and divide up the tasks. Are they a skilled cook or more of a sous-chef? The fun is in finding out!

Try a painting class

In the city, there should be plenty of spots for picking up a paintbrush with your date, but if there aren’t, don’t fear, you could easily set up a paint-and-sip session at home. Grab some poster paint, a couple of blank canvases, and your drink of choice. Whether it’s a glass of wine or a sparkling soft seltzer, pair your sip with a side of good music and show off your artistic talent.

Quiz it up

Sunday night is a great time to test your knowledge with a pub quiz. If it’s early days in your dating journey, a quiz can be a real icebreaker and a great way to learn more about each other. If you’ve been dating for a while, the competitive nature of a quiz is the perfect way to bring you closer together, working together as a team (and might even be a good indicator as to how they approach relationships). 

Watch a movie

Whether you’re catching the latest blockbuster at a local theater or, if you’ve been dating for a while, cozying it up at home, the classic film date never fails. A date night movie can really take the pressure off–there’s no need to think of something clever or funny to say. Just sit back with your snacks and your favorite flick. Will it be a rom-com or a horror? The choice is yours!